Will Smith’s Next Awards Contender Will Reportedly Be Pushed to 2023


More than a month than a month after the slap that got him restricted from the Oscars for 10 years, Will Smith is as yet considered persona non grata in Hollywood.

After he attacked Chris Rock as a result of a foolish joke made against his significant other, Jada Pinkett Smith, large numbers of Smith’s future tasks gave off an impression of being in motion.

Presently, the film that was set to be his honors season follow-up is purportedly being pushed to the following year.

Liberation, an activity dramatization in which Smith stars as Peter, a man who gets away from servitude in the Louisiana swamps, has been deferred from its normal fall 2022 delivery date to at some point in 2023, Variety reports.

Coordinated by Antoine Fuqua, the film was supposed to be a recurrent honors competitor for both Smith, who won best entertainer for King Richard, and merchant Apple, hot off its best-picture win for CODA.

A mysterious movie producer let Variety know that while seeing film of the venture before the slap, that’s what they anticipated “will win [Oscars] one after the other.”

An authority delivery date had not been declared, yet a source told Variety “it’s an implicit truth” that Emancipation will be moved off the 2022 timetable.

The insider expressed that while discussions about keeping a fall discharge go on between Apple executives and the movie producers, “it appears to be profoundly impossible.

” Elsewhere on Smith’s IMDB, both Bad Boys 4 and Netflix’s Fast and Loose are purportedly on stop; Netflix likewise supposedly dropped its continuation of 2017’s Bright, in spite of the fact that it’s apparently muddled assuming that choice was made due to the Oscars slap.

Smith has kept a position of safety since the occurrence. Last month, he was seen in India and a source told Entertainment Tonight that he “has been going to treatment after the Oscars occurrence.”

He still can’t seem to openly address the outrage, however will show up on this time of David Letterman’s My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, which debuts on Netflix May 20. Nonetheless, Smith’s meeting was allegedly recorded preceding the Oscars.