Elderly man surprised by an flight passengers and crew who celebrate a 95-year-old man’s birthday


Viral video: Entire flight came together to celebrate a 95-year-old man’s birthday

Elderly man surprised on flight by passengers and staff celebrating his 95th birthday


There are a few moments in life that become truly exceptional and noteworthy due to outsiders. It is generally brilliant to see such recordings where outsiders accomplish something uniquely amazing for an individual. In a truly sincere motion, a man who was praising his 95th birthday celebration on a plane, was surprised by his co-travelers.

The video of the man was posted by on social media going viral The video shows the airline steward making a declaration wishing the man a blissful birthday. Every one of the travellers on the plane were approached to close their windows and turn on their lamps to reproduce birthday candles. They generally additionally participated in singing blissful birthday to him and it is truly endearing to watch.

“My father turned 95 and I asked Southwest Airlines for a straightforward birthday holler and they did this. Airline stewards had requested that travelers close their windows and turn on their lamps to recreate birthday candles,” says the subtitle of the video.

“The only time it’s acceptable to embarrass someone with the birthday song in public,” commented an Instagram user. “Southwest has some of the best flight crews!” posted another. “Why am I tearing up? It’s supposed to be a happy occasion. So beautiful! Sometimes I really love humanity!” wrote a third. “It’s amazing when everyone joins together to spread kindness how beautiful the world could be,” said yet another.