Supreme Court has dismissed the plea to postpone NEETPG exam


NEET PG 2022 Not Postponed! Public Eligibility cum Entrance Test, NEET PG 2022 Exam has NOT been deferred by Supreme Court today, on May 13, 2022. SC hearing on NEET test has finished and the Apex Court has excused the supplication looking for ‘Defer NEET PG 2022’ as ‘patient consideration is vital.’ A seat drove by Justice DY Chandrachud heard the case and gave its decision.

Since Supreme Court’s choice on the test is to NOT defer it, NEET PG 2022 test date will presently be the equivalent i.e, May 21, 2022. The test will be held in disconnected mode for everybody. All the more along these lines, NEET PG concede cards will be delivering soon, on May 16, 2022 on the authority site –

Indeed, even toward the start of the conference, Justice DY Chandrachud had commented that the deferment of NEET test was certainly not a good thought as the test was just making a difficulty some understudy. The Bench even commented that there are understudies who arranged for NEET PG 2022 and it was not appropriate for them.

It was additionally expressed that NEET PG 2022 deferment is probably going to made disarray and uncertainity. Additionally, any postponement in test is probably going to cause a lack of specialists also. Also, with ‘patient consideration being central,’ the NEET PG test won’t be delayed.

NEET PG 2022 delay requests had developed stronger over the most recent few days. Also, NEET PG 2022 applicants were mentioning for the postponement of test by no less than 8 to 10 weeks, all attributable to the inadequate time they needed to get ready for this test.
Numerous NEET PG competitors had taken to virtual entertainment requesting NEET test deferment. Their essential explanation of deferment was as NEET PG Counseling 2021 had gotten deferred and they needed more chance to plan for the test.

Numerous associations and competitors had likewise kept in touch with the Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya requesting to Postpone NEET PG 2022 test. In any case, with no reaction from the specialists, NEET applicants turned to the legitimate way and chose to record a supplication in the Apex Court.