Show cause notice served to the minority school for making bible compulsory.


The Karnataka training division has given a show make notice Clarence school in Bengaluru over the Bible discussion. The school has been approached to answer in seven days or less.

The show cause notice has been given to Clarence school over their choice to command the instructing of the Bible.
The Department of Primary and Secondary Education had previously given a notification to the school on Tuesday, April 26. The public authority will make the fundamental move after the school answers the show cause notice.
The discussion began when Clarence High School got an endeavor from the guardians of the youngsters that they wouldn’t protest their wards conveying the sacred book to the premises.
Hindu Janajagruti Samithi, state representative Mohan Gowda, guaranteed that the school was driving non-Christian understudies to peruse the Bible.
The gathering guaranteed that there were likewise non-Christian understudies who concentrated in the school and said that they were being made to powerfully gain proficiency with the Bible. Answering these cases, the school expresses that it gives Bible-based instruction.