Saudi Arabia’s new curriculum to include Ramayana, Mahabharata


As part of the Vision 2030 of the Saudi Prince, other significant elements of Indian culture like yoga and Ayurveda apart from the Ramayana and Mahabharata will also be included in the school curriculum, according to media reports.

A tweet about Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s new vision for the education sector in Saudi Arabia, Vision 2030, involving the history and culture of different countries in the country’s curriculum, has gone viral.

The tweet by Nouf Almarwaai included screenshots of son’s social studies exam with questions about Hinduism, Buddhism and Hindu epics the Ramayana and Mahabharata. “Saudi Arabia’s new #vision2030 & curriculum will help to create a coexistent,moderate & tolerant generation. Screenshots of my son’s school exam today in Social Studies included concepts & history of Hinduism, Buddhism,Ramayana, Karma, Mahabharata Dharma. I enjoyed helping him study,” the tweet, with the screenshots of the question paper,