Google honors Hungarian Scientist Maria Telkes’ or ‘Sun Queen’ 122nd Birth Anniversary


Google honors Hungarian scientist Maria Telkes or ‘Sun Queen’ on her birth anniversary

Google Doodle Celebrates Scientist Maria Telkes’ 122nd Birth Anniversary

Google honors Maria Telkes, a Hungarian-American biophysicist, scientist and inventor who worked on solar energy technologies. Mrs. Telkes, born December 12, 1900 in Budapest, was best known for her invention of the solar still and the first residential solar heating system, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. She also created devices that were able to capture and store solar energy. She died on December 2, 1995 in the Hungarian capital. Mrs. Telkes was nicknamed the “Sunshine Queen” for her pioneering work.
In a career spanning several decades, Ms. Telkes has obtained up to 20 patents and invested in several breakthrough technologies. Google’s festive logo celebrates its 122nd birthday today.

The animated doodle shows a photo of Ms. Telkes and her solar experiment in the background. It shows how solar energy is captured and used to power various devices in people’s homes.

As the sun sets, the houses are still illuminated using the solar energy captured by the gadgets, as seen in the doodle.

Mrs. Telkes grew up in Budapest. She studied physical chemistry in her hometown and graduated with a BA in 1920 and completed her PhD in 1924.

Dr Telkes continued her career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a member of the Solar Energy Committee. During World War II, she was called upon by the US government to help develop a solar still that turned seawater into fresh water. This life-saving invention was used by soldiers stationed in the Pacific theater.

Mrs. Telkes became an American citizen in 1937. She continued to develop solar energy applications until the end of her career. Together with American architect Eleanor Raymond, she designed and built the world’s first modern residence heated by solar energy, which was built in Dover, Massachusetts in 1948.