‘Approaching the most dangerous point in human history’: Noam Chomsky on the threat of nuclear war


Author Noam Chomsky predicted a grim future in an interview with The New Statesman: “We’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history. The first article I wrote, at least that I can remember, was in fifth grade, I was 10 years old. I can date it very easily because of the time and the topic. It was an article about the Fall of Barcelona. It was an article for the elementary school newspaper. I was the editor, probably the only reader, maybe my mother. The article was about the fall of Austria, the fall of Czechoslovakia, now the fall of Barcelona. It looks like the grim cloud of fascism is spreading over the whole world inexorable. That was in February 1939.”

“I haven’t changed my opinion since, it’s just gotten worse,” Chomsky said. “The Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists under Trump, they abandoned minutes, went to seconds. 100 seconds to midnight, that’s where it is now, because the threats are accumulating.”

“We’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history,” he said. “Nothing like it before. We are now facing the prospect of the destruction of organized human life on Earth from environmental destruction and not in the remote future we are approaching irrevisable turning points which can not be dealt with any longer. It doesn’t mean everybody is going to die but it’s going to mean moving to a future in which the lucky ones will be those who die more quickly.”