Video: Local electric  train in Tamil Nadu crashes into platform 


An electric train from the workshop to the Chennai Coast Railway Station lost control and rammed on the platform. An electric train from the workshop to the Chennai Coast Railway Station lost control and rammed on the platform. Initial reports – train driver was injured in the #accident.Initial reports

An electric train from the workshop to the Chennai Coast Railway Station lost control and rammed on the platform

மின்சார ரயில் நடைமேடையில் மோதி, தடம் புரண்டு விபத்து. சென்னை பீச் கடற்கரை ரயில் நிலையத்திற்கு, பணிமனையில் இருந்து கொண்டு வரப்பட்ட மின்சார ரயில், நடைமேடையில் மோதி விபத்துக்கு உள்ளானதில், ஓட்டுநர் சிறிய காயத்துடன் உயிர் தப்பியுள்ளார்

CHENNAI: A 12-vehicle rural train spun out of control and collided with the cradle at the impasse of stage one at the Chennai Beach station on Sunday. Nobody was harmed as the train had no travelers ready and not many individuals were on the stage when the incident happened. Just an IRCTC water-it was harmed to distribute shop.

As indicated by government railroad police (GRP), the mishap was an aftereffect of brake disappointment brought about by power interruption on the train. The accident happened around 4.25 pm when insane pilot shunter Shanker was driving the train from the corralling line into stage one.

The train was booked to pass on to Chengalpattu at 4.35 pm. As the sluggish train approached the impasse of the stage, Shanker unexpectedly failed to keep a grip on the train and it ran more than 5m past the cushion and collided with the stage. Accordingly, the engine mentor (first mentor) moved onto the stage and the trailer mentor slammed the stage’s divider. Shanker leaped off the train and got away without wounds.

“Starting request shows brake disappointment happened because of disengagement of force in the crazy lodge,” said An Elango, Superintendent of Police, GRP Chennai division, alluding to the shunter’s assertion. “No train was dropped because of the episode. Request at fitting level will be directed to survey the reason. Rebuilding work on stage one in Beach station is in progress,” said An Elumalai, PRO, Chennai division, Southern Railway.

‘3-stage train gets into higher speed rapidly’

Observers, who affirmed the train had been moving gradually when the disaster happened, noticed that luckily the stage had not been extremely packed at that point. On ends of the week, the Chennai Beach to Chengalpattu line sees just 30-40% of the typical work day everyday traffic of 5.2 lakh suburbanites. “During non-weekend days, a great deal of travelers stand close to the IRCTC’s water-distributing shop. Fortunately, there were no travelers close to the shop today when the mishap happened,” a worker of the shop told TNIE.

“I was having tea at a shop when I saw the sluggish train out of nowhere move onto the stage and crash into the impasse with a noisy clamor. I have never seen a train collide with the stage,” said K Sivam of Mylapore, an ordinary worker. In November 2017, the Chennai division got the initial 3-stage rural train fabricated by ICF.

The 3-stage train consumes 30% less energy than ordinary mentors and the rail lines proposed to supplant the old mentors with energy – effective rakes slowly. The 3-stage AC foothold EMU train changes over motor energy created during the slowing down of the train into electrical energy which is guided back to the power framework.

In addition, the train motor is likewise intended to have quicker speed increase/deceleration and is equipped for achieving the speed of 90 km in under 20 seconds. K Parthasarathy, Joint General Secretary, All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA) said, “The 3-stage train has higher force, subsequently it accomplishes a higher speed rapidly.

The joystick-like control ought to be moved in one heading for running a train forward and the other way for halting it. We can’t ascribe the incident to a specialized shortcoming without a nitty gritty request.” ICF authorities couldn’t be gone after remark.

Observers say train was moving gradually
Onlookers affirmed the train was moving gradually when the setback happened and noticed that luckily the stage had not been exceptionally packed at that point. “During work days, a great deal of travelers stand close to the IRCTC’s water-distributing shop. Fortunately, there were no travelers close to the shop today when the mishap happened,” a worker of the shop told TNIE. On ends of the week, the line sees just 30-40% of the typical work day to day traffic of 5.2 lakh suburbanites. In the mean time, authorities said no trains were dropped.