What 120 Degrees Looks Like in One of Mexico’s Hottest Cities


What 120 Degrees Looks Like in One of Mexico’s Hottest Cities

On a scorching Sunday in June, the residents of Hermosillo, a city in northwestern Mexico, experienced extreme heat that surpassed previous records. With temperatures reaching a staggering 49.5 degrees Celsius (121 degrees Fahrenheit), the city was engulfed in an intense wave of heat. In this article, we delve into the impact of such extreme temperatures on the city and its residents, as well as the factors contributing to this record-breaking heat.

The Unrelenting Heat

  1. Searing Heatwaves Sweep Mexico
  2. El Niño and Its Influence
  3. The Role of Anticyclone and Radiation
  4. The Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
  5. Urbanization and Heat Perception

Life in Hermosillo

  1. Adapting to the Heat
  2. Coping with Daily Life
  3. The Struggle for Comfort
  4. Power Outages and Their Consequences
  5. Water Distribution and Advice for Residents
  6. Seeking Relief in Natural Waters

The Rural Areas of Sonora

  1. Work Schedules Altered by Heat
  2. Wildlife and Ecosystem Impact

The Future Ahead

As temperatures continue to rise, the residents of Hermosillo and the entire region brace themselves for the challenges ahead. With the hottest months of July, August, and September yet to come, it is crucial to prepare for the extreme heat and its consequences.


Hermosillo’s recent record-breaking heatwave sheds light on the severity of extreme weather conditions in Mexico. The city’s residents, accustomed to scorching temperatures, demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. However, the rising heat poses significant challenges, impacting daily life, electricity supply, and even natural ecosystems. As we look to the future, it is essential to prioritize adaptation measures and awareness campaigns to mitigate the effects of extreme heat and protect the well-being of the population.


  1. Q: How hot did it get in Hermosillo during the heatwave?
    • A: Hermosillo experienced temperatures as high as 49.5 degrees Celsius (121 degrees Fahrenheit).
  2. Q: What caused the unusually hot weather?
    • A: The heatwave was influenced by El Niño, anticyclone patterns, and the Madden-Julian Oscillation, which all contributed to intense heat and the absence of cloud formation.
  3. Q: How did the heat affect daily life in Hermosillo?
    • A: The extreme heat caused power outages, rationing of ice sales, and challenges for businesses, including small grocery shops.
  4. Q: How did residents cope with the heatwave?
    • A: Residents sought relief in various ways, such as using sprinklers, visiting recreation sites, and altering their daily schedules to avoid the hottest hours.
  5. Q: Are there concerns about future heatwaves?
    • A: With the hottest months still ahead, residents and authorities are preparing for the challenges of July, August, and September.