Sonakshi Sinha made her web series debut with Dahaad and attended the trailer launch event in Mumbai along with the cast and crew including Gulshan Devaiah, Vijay Varma, Sohum Shah, Reema Kagti, Zoya Akhtar, and others. When asked about her preparation for the character and if she had to learn anything, Sonakshi replied that she felt born to play this character and went into it without any fuss. She also learned how to ride a bike for the first time and enjoyed it so much that she got a bike for herself after the show. The dialect was also different in the show, and she prepared for it. Reema Kagti, who has co-directed Dahaad, mentioned that Sonakshi drove the bike better than her stunt double, to which Sonakshi jokingly replied that on one day, they asked her to ride the bike as her stunt double was riding slower than her.
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